
of hope

Ambassador of Hope

Perhaps you may have been blessed with the opportunity to influence others. is sustained by a number of different activities, but one of the most important activities is the one we cannot afford financially to do all on our own – and that is to get the message out. We need your help. Become an “Ambassador of Hope” and help improve the lives of children and families across the world.

What do I do as an “Ambassador of Hope”?

  • Use your platform to create awareness about
  • Encourage others to partner with World Hope.
  • Share through your platform (performance, speaking engagement, etc.) the reality of pain, suffering, and more importantly – Hope.
  • Promote through your channels of influence. This includes social media, e-blasts, newsletters, or click-through links on your web applications.
  • Participate in cross-promotion campaigns (possibly feature a free monthly download for all partners of

Do I receive anything for being an “Ambassador of Hope”?

  • In return, we will support and promote your group, organization, ministry, etc.
  • We will feature a bio section on our website where our partners can learn about you.
  • We will connect our partners with you through our social media channels.
  • You will be a part of a series of compilation records benefiting World Hope projects around the world (if applicable).
  • A special “Ambassador of Hope” linked patch to host on your website.